Monday, January 24, 2011

Mom Mom and Pop Pop

My Pop Pop loved his ducks.  The house was located in front of a large creek that was occupied by plenty of ducks.  He enjoyed feeding them so much that we would have a large metal trash can full to the top with corn.

A old picture of both my Mom Mom and my Pop Pop.

My Mom Mom and a bunch of girls that I have no idea who they are hanging out in the parking lot of the Williamson's Resturant.

This is a graduation picture of my Dad, the son of my Mom Mom and Pop Pop.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Sewing Machine

This is my sewing machine.  I acquired it when my mom's boss said she was going to get rid of it.  It was free but I spent some money on servicing it.  I have yet to complete a sewing project although, I did practiced a couple of times.